Cantor (Epsaltos)
1. Age: Completed 8yrs of age
a. with the exception of at least being 6 years of age if accompanied by a father who will serve and chaperone his son during service.
2. Achievements: Maintained at least a good grade point average in school and takes part in church youth activities including hymn classes. As a minimum, must have attended a year of hymn class courses consistently.
3. Behavior: Maintains appropriate good behavior in school and at home. Shows reverence and respect at church during services and Sunday School class. Knows how to behave and has a sense of discipline while in the House of God
4. Spirituality: Attends church services regularly and has established a relationship with his father of confession. Maintains a schedule of prayer, Bible reading and fasting which is supervised by his spiritual father of confession and parents.
5. Father of Confession: Has a father of confession and meets with him regularly. His father of confession must attest to his being eligible for the rank of cantor and has explained to him the respect and reverence required of him for such a rank.
6. Knowledge of Church Tradition: Must be aware that there are two different Testaments in the Holy Bible. Must know the four gospel authors, The Lord’s Prayer and the Creed of Faith, the Thanksgiving Prayer, and Psalm 50
7. Service: Must attend church regularly and be taught to stand with reverence with his father during the liturgical services, with periods of rest. Must attend and be an active participant in Sunday School and church youth activities regularly.
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Cantor-Epsaltos-Ordination-FormAnaghnostis (Reader)
1. Age: Completed 16 years of Age
a. From the Age of 14 to 15 he will undergo pre-servants training one-year program, and will assist in a Sunday school class, but not be given the right to teach lessons. From the age of 15 to 16 he may, under the supervision of an older experienced servant, give a Sunday School lesson which has been reviewed and approved by an older experienced servant. At the age of 16, and accompanied by another Sunday School servant, he may start to give Sunday school lessons.
b. Starting his service at the age of 16, at which time he will be ordained as reader, will give him the chance to become well versed in the service before becoming increasingly occupied with college class responsibilities starting at the age of 18.
2. Achievements: Maintain a good grade point average in school and takes part in church youth activities including hymn class, bible study and church retreats. Must be proficient in the Coptic language, reading and writing. As a minimum, must be proficient in standard annual and seasonal congregational responses as well as altar responses. Must have also read the complete New Testament and be proficient in the knowledge Church Doctrine, writing of The Fathers of the Church and Synaxarium Lives of the Saints. Must be able to read loudly, clearly and slowly.
3. Behavior: Maintains appropriate good behavior and conduct, becoming of an official servant of the church. Shows reverence and respect at church during services and other functions. His life and service responsibilities, displaying an appropriate level of maturity, are reflected in his secular life, not just his spiritual. Does not partake of actions in his secular life that are contradictory to his spiritual life or church position.
4. Spirituality: Attends church services regularly and maintains a close relationship with his father of confession. Maintains a schedule of prayer, Bible reading and fasting, supervised by his spiritual father of confession and which is foundational to his spiritual growth.
5. Father of Confession: His father of confession and parish priest must attest and submit to the diocesan bishop a written letter nominating him for the rank of reader. They shall explain to him the respect and obligation required of him for such a rank and the spiritual meaning and responsibility of tonsuring.
6. Knowledge of Church Tradition: Must be a consistent and proficient reader of the Holy Bible and Biblical commentary on scripture according to the writings of The Church Fathers.
7. Service: Must maintain regular church service attendance and participate in church event and retreat preparation and organization. Must assist his younger brothers and sister in the church with any needs they may have and with their organization during church services as well as assist the subdeacon with any requests they may have.
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Reader-Anaghnostis-Ordination-FormEpodiakon (Subdeacon)
1. Age: Completed 24 years of Age
2. Achievements: Must have completed a college bachelor’s degree and have a successful work position. Must be a stable and well balanced individual capable of working and taking a leadership role in groups as well as completing responsibilities effectively. Must be proficient in standard annual and seasonal congregational responses and altar responses in addition to praise hymnology.
3. Behavior: He must possess leadership skills and wise decision making and good communication and follow-up skills. He should take an active interest in the development and well-being of his fellow brothers in the lesser deaconate ranks. Maintains appropriate good behavior and conduct, becoming of an official servant of the church. Shows reverence and respect at church during services and other functions. His life and service responsibilities are reflected in his secular life, not just his spiritual. Does not partake of actions in his secular life that are contradictory to his spiritual life or church position.
4. Spirituality: Attends church services regularly and maintains a close relationship with his father of confession. Maintains a schedule of prayer, Bible reading and fasting, supervised by his spiritual father of confession and which is foundational to his spiritual growth. Has an active role in the leadership and organization of the church and spiritual growth of church youth. He must be seen as a mentor and be looked up to by the younger youth as well as respected by the older congregants.
5. Father of Confession: His father of confession and parish priest must attest and submit to the diocesan bishop a written letter nominating him for the rank of subdeacon. The shall explain to him the respect and obligation required of him for such a rank and the impact his actions have on the younger church youth and that reflect of the church as a whole.
6. Knowledge of Church Tradition: Must be a consistent and proficient reader of the Holy Bible and Biblical commentary on scripture according to the writings of The Church Fathers and must be able explain with ease Biblical teachings and church doctrine using said resources. Must have a good amount of knowledge of modern day orthodox writings as well as comparative philosophies and heretical teachings. Must also be familiar with current social issues and church stances on controversial topics.
7. Service: Must maintain regular church service attendance and participate in church event and retreat preparation and organization. Each subdeacon will be responsible as leader and mentor for a group of readers and cantors. They will follow-up with regards to the achievements and spiritual development of the members in their group and will organize the service schedule and preparation required of each member in the group. The subdeacon will be responsible for making sure the members in his group attend church services regularly and will follow-up and ask about them when they do not attend. The subdeacon is responsible for visiting and spending time with the members and acting as an ‘Older Brother’ and establishing a special bond of love, acting as a support resource in each member’s life.
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