Our beloved members and deacons,
Grace and peace to you from God, our Father, and from His Son our Savior and redeemer, and from the Holy Spirit, our guide and comforter!
Per the Joint clergy meeting on July 3rd. The deacons executive committee reminds all the blessed churches with the previous deacons’ meetings decisions with regards to deacons’ ordination in all ranks. Prior to any ordination, an application containing the names of all those who are to be ordained must be submitted by the parish requesting the ordination(s) to the diaconate executive committee headed by the bishop for review of the completion of all requirement criteria 2 weeks prior to the ordination date. Fr. Ibrahim Wassif is responsible in NJ and Fr. Cyril Antonious in NY&NE to review the applications. Furthermore, visiting bishops in NJ may perform the ordinations with prior authorization from His Grace Bishop David upon the completion and approval of the names in the applications.
May our Lord continue to bless us and bless all your services.